Deriving Business Value
from enhanced supply chain efficiency
Governments throughout the world are enacting legislations to address the issue of falsification of drugs through serialization and companies will eventually be forced to comply with these legislations. Yet despite the fast pace of regulatory bodies, pharma companies still lag behind as the high cost associated with the implementation of T&T projects erodes their willingness to combat the counterfeit. .
        our solution enables :
- Deriving business value
- enhancements in logistics
- frictionless onboarding of stakeholders
A viable solution to SF medical products must invariably Bring together all stakeholders of life sciences supply chains from patients to pertinent governmental organizations.However, it should be taken into consideration that among all stake holders of the chain, the role of Pharma companies is most instrumental.
Gaining buy in of pharma companies matters because pharmaceutical supply chains despite their sprawliness, are in a sense very concentrated; In that they are usually dominated by few large multinational pharma companies and without the full cooperation of which very little if anything can ever happen.
On the other hand and Contrary to the immediate impression, safety and profitability are actually not mutually exclusive goals. We believe there is great business value in supply chain data beyond compliance and Realizing said value might be the ultimate key to overcome industry inertia. This is achieved through:
- Reclaiming the economic losses inflicted directly upon drug manufacturers as a result of counterfeiting
- Lowering costs by improving inventory management, demand forecasting accuracy, and lowering wastage due to expiry
- (Reverse) logistic benefits enabled by more efficient distribution and quick resolution of recalls
- Optimized marketing initiatives through gathering info on consumption patterns, geographical penetration, and effectiveness of marketing spend
Therefore, a viable surveillance system shall not overlook the opportunities to enhance the functionality and profitability of the value chain and its underlying processes by focusing strictly on compliance requirements.
SAMAN’s comprehensive surveillance system has been designed with these potential benefits in perspective; featuring an array of built-in reporting packages and data analysis tools readily incorporated into our system to help unearth the information locked deep within the supply chains, turn that into actionable insights, and derive the business value which would help offset the cost of introducing the T&T system as a mid-term goal and continue to benefit supply chain participants for the years to come.